Title: Is This the Day Artist: The Waiting Album: Blue Belly Sky (c) 1995 ANASTASIA RECORDS From: Walt Lindberg e-mail: weezie_2@hotmail.com This is the way I learned this song, its a little different, (and I think more correct) than how I've seen it done here. TUNING: standard KEY: E CHORDS: E 02210 B7 x24242 or x21202 A x02220 C#m x46654 INTRO: E--E7 (a bunch of times) Verse 1:E B7 A E B7 Is this the day, when You will do a work in me? E B7 A E B7 Is this the day, when Your face is all that I can see? C#m A B7 E Is this the day, when the old in me will die? E B7 A B7 E Is this the day when You'll be glorified? --same as intro-- Verse 2:E B7 A E B7 Is this the day, when I will answer to Your voice alone? E B7 A E B7 Is this the day, when every word I say is not my own? C#m A B7 E Is this the day, when I will run from every lie? E B7 A B7 E Is this the day, when You'll be glorified? --intro thingy again-- Verse 3:E B7 A E B7 Is this the day, when You'll have the victory? E B7 A E B7 Is this the day, when there'll be all of You and none of me? C#m A B7 E Is this the day, when every spot in me shines white? E B7 A B7 C#m E Is this the day, when You'll be glorifi--ed? E B7 A B7 E Is this the day, when You'll be glorified? --intro thingy fade out-- *************************************************************** I think you'll find this works better, and you can even play along with the CD if you like. Originally tabbed by Dan Erickson sir.dan@juno.com