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Christian Songs
Art of the State
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This is a listing of songs by various Christian Artists...

Songs > Albums > Art of the State

This album features the following songs:

  1. All Creation Sings
  2. We Are the Men
  3. Lead Me to Reason
  4. The Only Way to Have a Friend
  5. Games of Chance
  6. The Fury
  7. Progress
  8. Heartland
  9. Zion
  10. Up from the Wasteland

This album is available from the following vendors:


Deliverance - Camelot in Smithereens Further Seems Forever - Moon Is Down (+1 Bonus Track) Lost Dogs - Gift Horse Ultimatum - Puppet of Destruction Danielson Famile, The - Fetch the Compass Kids MxPx - Life in General Nailed - All Washed Up Bride - End of the Age Deluxtone Rockets, The - Green Room Blues Carman - Shakin' The House...Live!
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