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Christian Songs
Songs of Our Soil
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This is a listing of songs by various Christian Artists...

Songs > Albums > Songs of Our Soil

This album features the following songs:

  1. Drink To Me
  2. Five Feet High And Rising
  3. The Man On The Hill
  4. Hank And Joe And Me
  5. Clementine
  6. Don't Step On Mother's Roses
  7. Great Speckled Bird
  8. I Want To Go Home
  9. The Caretaker
  10. Old Apache Squaw
  11. My Grandfather's Clock
  12. It Could Be You (Instead Of Him)

This album is available from the following vendors:


DC Talk - Free at Last: The Music & The Movie (CD & Dvd) Silage - Watusi Fourth Estate - Finesse & Fury Overcome - Immortal Until Their Work Is Done Everyday Sunday - Stand Up Pep Squad - No Doy! Buck Enterprises - Live Worship AD - Art of the State Bloodgood - Live, Vol. 1: Alive in America Shaded Red - Red Revolution
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