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...from "MXR" at zzounds.com:

Name MXR M288 Bass Octave Deluxe Pedal

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Description This dual-voice bass octave pedal from MXR Bass Innovations offers the sound, functionality and tone-shaping options that you've been craving for your bass rig. Compact, lightweight and easily powered by a single 9-volt battery, the M288 Bass Octave pedal utilizes MXR's own 18-volt Constant Headroom Technology (CHT) that provides the kind of studio-performance headroom and superior tracking you've only dreamed about until now.
List Price $254.61
Sale Price $129.95  (49% off!) 
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Name MXR M82 Bass Envelope Filter Pedal

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Description The Bass Envelope Filter delivers classic, analog, envelope filter sounds in an easy-to-use and compact pedal designed specifically for bass. Separate Dry and Effect controls let you dial in the perfect mix of effected and direct signals, so you can bring the funk without losing the low end.
List Price $254.61
Sale Price $149.95  (41% off!) 
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