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Uncle Bob's Guitar Lessons
Lesson 6 - Chord Change Tricks
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C to G Chord Change

Like the G to D Chord Change technique, this is a 'shortcut' method for switching between your C and G chords while playing. Traditionally, you play your C and G chords like the following:

This is actually quite difficult to master when playing a song that has several quick changes between C and G chords. Here's why this is so difficult:

  • The index finger (1) has to jump from the C on the 2nd string to the B on the 5th string.
  • The middle finger (2) has to jump from the E on the 4th string to the G on the 6th string.
  • The ring finger (3) has to jump from the C on the 5th string to the G on the 1st string.

Instead of playing the traditional way, I prefer to use the following illustration, where the G chord is rearranged:

As you can see, this is a lot less movement. Here's what happens:

  • The index finger (1) simply gets lifted off the strings.
  • The middle (2) and ring (3) fingers have to move over just one string.
  • The pinky (4) just has play the G on the 1st string.

Unlike the G to D Chord Change technique, this technique does not create a pivot point when changing between chords, it just minimizes the amount of movement that you need to use when changing between these chords.

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