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Christian Guitar Tab & Bass Tab

Uncle Bob's Guitar Lessons
Lesson 1 - Introduction
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Frequently Asked Questions

I get asked a wide range of questions from time to time, and I'll try to address some of them here. I'll also answer some questions that I'm making up because I'm weird that way. You can decide for yourself which questions are which.

Why In The World Would You Want To Play Guitar?

Well, for a lot of people the answer is simple - they already own a guitar and it's an awful waste to just leave it lying around. But really you could play for a lot of reasons: for fun, for therapy, for relaxation, and occasionally even for money. Of course, as in most things that are important in life, money should usually be your last motivator.

How Hard Is It To Play Guitar?

Playing guitar is actually really easy, which is why it's one of the most popular instruments on the planet. I really can't speak for other planets, so I'll just leave it at that.

How Often Should I Practice?

You should attempt to practice every day. This is not always feasible, and I tend to skip a day or two every other week myself. But with most things that require some sort of skill, guitar is a discipline that you have put some time into.

How Long Should I Practice?

At a bare minimum, I'd say ten minutes of scales. Some days I practice for hours, and other days I want to throw the guitar out the window after about five minutes. (By the way, that's a sure sign that it's time to quit for the day.) Remember, playing the guitar is supposed to be fun.

Why In The World Should You Read These Lessons?

That question is a whole lot more difficult to answer, so I'll just leave that up to you. If you have the time, or you're bored and have nothing better to do, you might as well take a gander at it.

Who Is "Uncle Bob" Anyway?

"Uncle Bob" was the nickname that the kids in a church youth group gave me years ago, and it kind of stuck with me. As far as who I am, my life statement is nothing profound - I am a goofball. That's pretty much it. In the great river of life I threw the paddle overboard a few miles back and I'm drifting along somewhat contentedly while I wait to see what's coming around the next bend. (If you're still curious, you can find out a little more about me at

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