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Christian Albums
The Gospel Road
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Albums > Titles > The Gospel Road


Primary Artist/Band: Cash, Johnny
Year Released: 1973
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 Praise the Lord (Search) (Search)
2 Gospel Road, Pt. 1 (Search) (Search)
3 Jesus' Early Years (Search) (Search)
4 Gospel Road, Pt. 2 (Search) (Search)
5 John the Baptist (Search) (Search)
6 Baptism of Jesus (Search) (Search)
7 Wilderness Temptation (Search) (Search)
8 Follow Me Jesus (Search) (Search)
9 Gospel Road, Pt. 3 (Search) (Search)
10 Jesus Announces His Divinity (Search) (Search)
11 Jesus' Opposition Is Established (Search) (Search)
12 Jesus' First Miracle (Search) (Search)
13 He Turned the Water into Wine (Search) (Search)
14 State of the Nation (Search) (Search)
15 I See Men as Trees Walking (Search) (Search)
16 Jesus Was A Carpenter (Search) (Search)
17 Choosing of Twelve Disciples (Search) (Search)
18 Jesus' Teachings (Search) (Search)
19 Parable of the Good Shepherd (Search) (Search)
20 Two Greatest Commandments (Search) (Search)
21 Greater Love Hath No Man (Search) (Search)
22 John the Babtist's Imprisonment and Death (Search) (Search)
23 Jesus Cleanses Temple (Search) (Search)
24 Jesus Upbraids Scribes and Pharisees (Search) (Search)
25 Jesus in the Temple (Search) (Search)
26 Come Unto Me (Search) (Search)
27 Adulterous Woman (Search) (Search)
28 Help Me, Pt. 1 (Search) (Search)
29 Jesus and Nicodemus (Search) (Search)
30 Help Me, Pt. 2 (Search) (Search)
31 Sermon on the Mount (Search) (Search)
32 Blessed Are (Search) (Search)
33 Lord's Prayer Amen Chorus (Search) (Search)
34 Follow Me (Search) (Search)
35 Crossing the Sea of Galilee (Search) (Search)
36 He Turned the Water into Wine, Pt. 2 (Search) (Search)
37 He Turned the Water into Wine, Pt. 3 (Search) (Search)
38 Feeding the Multitude (Search) (Search)
39 He Turned the Water into Wine, Pt. 4 (Search) (Search)
40 More Jesus Teaching (Search) (Search)
41 Living Water and the Bread of Life (Search) (Search)
42 Gospel Road, Pt. 4 (Search) (Search)
43 Jesus and Children (Search) (Search)
44 Children (Search) (Search)
45 Four Months to Live (Search) (Search)
46 Help Me, Pt. 3 (Search) (Search)
47 Help Me, Pt. 4 (Search) (Search)
48 Raising of Lazarus (Search) (Search)
49 Jesus' Second Coming (Search) (Search)
50 Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem (Search) (Search)
52 Jesus Wept (Search) (Search)
54 Jesus Cleanses Temple Again (Search) (Search)
55 Feast of the Passover (Search) (Search)
56 Lord Is It I (Search) (Search)
57 Last Supper (Search) (Search)
58 John 14-1-3 (Search) (Search)
59 And Now He's Alone (Search) (Search)
60 Agony in Gethsemane (Search) (Search)
61 Jesus Before Caiaphas Pilate and Herod (Search) (Search)
62 Burden of Freedom (Search) (Search)
63 Crucifixion (Search) (Search)
64 Jesus' Last Words (Search) (Search)
65 Jesus' Death (Search) (Search)
66 Earthquake and Darkness (Search) (Search)
67 He Is Risen (Search) (Search)
68 Mary Magdalene Returns to Galilee (Search) (Search)
69 Jesus Appears to Disciples (Search) (Search)
70 Great Commission (Search) (Search)
71 Ascension Amen Chorus (Search) (Search)
72 Jesus Was a Carpenter, Pt. 2 (Search) (Search)


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