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Christian Albums
Live in Deutschland 2002
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Albums > Titles > Live in Deutschland 2002


Primary Artist/Band: Saviour Machine
Year Released: 2003
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 A Prophecy (Search) (Search)
2 The Eyes of the Storm (Search) (Search)
3 The Birth Pangs (Search) (Search)
4 The Night (Search) (Search)
5 Gog (Deathmarch) (Search) (Search)
6 The Invasion of Israel (Search) (Search)
7 World War III (Search) (Search)
8 The Beast (Search) (Search)
9 Ten-The Empire (Search) (Search)
10 The Whore of Babylon (Search) (Search)
11 Behold a Pale Horse (Search) (Search)
12 War in Heaven (Search) (Search)
13 The Dead Sea (Search) (Search)
14 Revelation 13 (Search) (Search)
15 Legend III: I/The Ancient Serpent (Search) (Search)
16 Four Trumpets (Search) (Search)
17 The Locusts (Search) (Search)
18 The Plague and the Darkness (Search) (Search)
19 The End of the Age (Search) (Search)
20 The Promise (Search) (Search)
21 The Final Holocaust (Search) (Search)
22 Legend I: I/The Lamb (Search) (Search)
23 American Babylon (Search) (Search)


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