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Hide 'Em In Your Heart - Bible Memory Melodies, Vol. 1
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Albums > Titles > Hide 'Em In Your Heart - Bible Memory Melodies, Vol. 1


Primary Artist/Band: Green, Steve
Year Released: 2004
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 Let The Little Children Come - Mathew 19:14 (Search) (Search)
2 Do To Others - Mathew 7:12 (Search) (Search)
3 This Is How We Know - John 3:16 (Search) (Search)
4 Overcome Evil WIth Good - Romans 12:21 (Search) (Search)
5 When I Am Afraid - Psalm 56:3 & 4 (Search) (Search)
6 Children Obey Your Parents - Ephesians 6:1 (Search) (Search)
7 Our Father In Heaven - Matthew 6:9-13 (Search) (Search)
8 And Jesus Grew - Luke 2:52 (Search) (Search)
9 Believe In The Lord - Acts 16:31 (Search) (Search)
10 You Are The Light Of The World - Mathew 5:14 & 16 (Search) (Search)
11 Keep Your Tounge From Evil - Psalm 34:13 (Search) (Search)
12 You Shall Love The Lord - Matthew 22:37 (Search) (Search)
13 Hosanna! - Matthew 21:9 & 11 (Search) (Search)
14 Where Two Or Three - Matthew 22:37 (Search) (Search)
15 I Can Do All Things - Philippans 4:13 (Search) (Search)
16 Trust In The Lord - Proverbs 3:5 & 6 (Search) (Search)
17 Without Complaining - Philppians 4:13 (Search) (Search)
18 For All Have Sinned/For God So Loved - Romans 3:23/John 3:16 (Search) (Search)
19 Even A Child - Proverbs 20:11 (Search) (Search)
20 Your Word Is A Lamp - Psalm 119:105 (Search) (Search)


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