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PURCELL Secular solo songs 2
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Albums > Titles > PURCELL Secular solo songs 2


Primary Artist/Band: Keaggy, Phil
Year Released: 1994
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 I love and I must 'Bell Barr'; Z382 (Search) (Search)
2 When her languishing eyes said 'Love!'; Z432 (Search) (Search)
3 Not all my torments can your pity move; Z400 (Search) (Search)
4 Ah! cruel nymph!; Z352 (Search) (Search)
5 Sylvia; now your scorn give over; Z420 (Search) (Search)
6 Since one poor view has drawn my heart; Z416 (Search) (Search)
7 I resolve against cringing and whining; Z386 (Search) (Search)
8 Gentle shepherds; you that know 'Pastoral Elegy on the Death of Mr John Playford'; Z464 (Search) (Search)
9 If grief has any pow'r to kill; Z378 (Search) (Search)
10 She that would gain a faithful lover; Z414 (Search) (Search)
11 Fly swift; ye hours; Z369 (Search) (Search)
12 Hears not my Phillis how the birds 'The Knotting Song'; Z371 (Search) (Search)
13 Phillis; talk no more of passion; Z409 (Search) (Search)
14 Celia's fond; too long I've lov'd her; Z364 (Search) (Search)
15 In vain we dissemble; Z385 (Search) (Search)
16 When my Aemelia smiles; Z434 (Search) (Search)
17 Farewell; ye rocks; ye seas and sands; Z463 (Search) (Search)
18 What a sad fate is mine; Z428a (Search) (Search)
19 I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams; Z388 (Search) (Search)
20 Love's pow'r in my heart shall find no compliance; Z395 (Search) (Search)
21 How delightful's the life of an innocent swain; Z373 (Search) (Search)
22 She; who my poor heart possesses; Z415 (Search) (Search)
23 Love arms himself in Celia's eyes; Z392 (Search) (Search)
24 When first my shepherdess and I; Z431 (Search) (Search)
25 Through mournful shades and solitary groves; Z424 (Search) (Search)
26 If music be the food of love; Z379b (Search) (Search)
27 Scarce had the rising sun appear'd; Z469 (Search) (Search)
28 Who but a slave can well express; Z440 (Search) (Search)
29 High on a throne of glitt'ring ore; Z465 (Search) (Search)
30 Incassum Lesbia; incassum rogas 'The Queen's Epicedium'; Z383 (Search) (Search)


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