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Albums > Titles > Vintage


Primary Artist/Band: East West
Year Released: 2004
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 Reason (Search) (Search)
2 Down (Search) (Search)
3 Thru 2 U (Search) (Search)
4 Blame (Search) (Search)
5 She Cries (Search) (Search)
6 Sydwinder (Search) (Search)
7 Phat (Search) (Search)
8 Hey June (Search) (Search)
9 Everything (Search) (Search)


Mortal - Lusis/Fathom Shaded Red - Red Revolution Veggie Tales - Veggie Tales: Jonah's Overboard Sing-Along Livgren, Kerry - Collector's Sedition Volume 1 Glad - Champion of Love King's X - Tape Head Magdallan - End Of The Age Sister Hazel - Sister Hazel Huntingtons, The - File Under Ramones Vengeance Rising - Human Sacrifice
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