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HANDEL St Cecilia's Day Ode
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Albums > Titles > HANDEL St Cecilia's Day Ode


Primary Artist/Band: Keaggy, Phil
Year Released: 2004
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (Overture Part 1: Largetto; e staccato) (Search) (Search)
2 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (Overture Part 2: Allegro) (Search) (Search)
3 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (Overture Part 3: Minuet) (Search) (Search)
4 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 1. Recitative: From harmony; from heav'nly harmony) (Search) (Search)
5 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 2. Aria: When Nature underneath a heap) (Search) (Search)
6 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 3. Chorus: From harmony; from heav'nly harmony) (Search) (Search)
7 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 4. Aria: What passion cannot Music raise and quell!) (Search) (Search)
8 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 5. Aria and Chorus: The trumpet's loud clangour) (Search) (Search)
9 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 6: March) (Search) (Search)
10 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 7. Aria: The soft complaining flute) (Search) (Search)
11 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 8. Aria: Sharp violins proclaim) (Search) (Search)
12 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 9. Aria: But oh! What art can teach) (Search) (Search)
13 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 10. Aria: Orpheus could lead the savage race) (Search) (Search)
14 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 11. Accompagnato: But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder) (Search) (Search)
15 An Ode for St Cecilia's Day; HWV76 (No 12. Solo and Chorus: As from the pow'r of sacred lays) (Search) (Search)
16 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 1. Recitative: Cecilia; volgi un sguardo) (Search) (Search)
17 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 2. Aria: La Virtute è un vero nume) (Search) (Search)
18 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 3. Recitative: Tu; armonica Cecilia) (Search) (Search)
19 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 4. Aria: Splenda l'alba in oriente) (Search) (Search)
20 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 5. Recitative: Carco sempre di gloria) (Search) (Search)
21 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 6a. Aria: Sei cara; sei bella) (Search) (Search)
22 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 6b. Aria: Un puro ardor) (Search) (Search)
23 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 6c. Aria: Sei cara) (Search) (Search)
24 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 7. Recitative: È ben degna di lode) (Search) (Search)
25 Cecilia; volgi un sguargo; HWV89 (No 8. Duetto: Tra amplessi innocenti) (Search) (Search)


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