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Christian Albums
Intermission: The Greatest Hits
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Albums > Titles > Intermission: The Greatest Hits


Primary Artist/Band: DC Talk
Year Released: 2000
Average Rating: 4.0  (1 vote)
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Album cover:

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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
0 Jesus Is Alright (Search) (Search)
0 Minds Eye (Search) (Search)
0 The Hardway (Search) (Search)
1 Say the Words (Now) (Search) (Search)
2 Colored People (Search) (Search)
3 Jesus Is Just Alright (Search) (Search)
4 Between You And Me (Search) (Search)
5 Mind's Eye (Search) (Search)
6 Consume Me (Search) (Search)
7 My Will (Search) (Search)
8 In The Light (Search) (Search)
9 Mr. Morgan (Act I) (Search) (Search)
10 Socially Acceptable (Search) (Search)
11 Luv Is a Verb (Search) (Search)
12 Supernatural (Search) (Search)
13 Jesus Freak (Search) (Search)
14 Hardway [Remix] (Search) (Search)
15 What If I Stumble (Search) (Search)
16 I Wish We'd All Been Ready (Search) (Search)
17 Chance (Search) (Search)
18 SugarCoat It (Search) (Search)
19 Mrs. Morgan (Act II) (Search) (Search)


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