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Albums > Titles > Remixed


Primary Artist/Band: KJ-52
Year Released: 2006
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 Fivetweezy [Disco Mania Remix] (Search) (Search)
2 Revenge of the Nerds [Horns a Plenty Remix] (Search) (Search)
3 Dear Slim, Pt. 2 [True Story Remix] (Search) (Search)
4 47 Emcees [Plus 18 More Remix] (Search) (Search)
5 I Can Call on You [Piano Love Remix] (Search) (Search)
6 Are You Real? [Oregon Trail Remix] (Search) (Search)
7 Jesus [Reggaeton Remix] (Search) (Search)
8 Plain White Rapper [Kalimba Remix] (Search) (Search)
9 Rock with It [Eat to the Beat Lunch Remix] (Search) (Search)
10 Mullet Pride [Country Krunk Remix] (Search) (Search)
11 For the Ladies [Soul Vibe Remix] (Search) (Search)
12 Things I Like [Timbojones Remix] (Search) (Search)
13 Washed Up [DBL. Time Remix] (Search) (Search)
14 Run for Cover (Search) (Search)
15 Napoleon Dynamite (Search) (Search)
18 [Untitled Track] (Search) (Search)


Morella's Forest - Ultraphonic Hiss Carman - Christmas With Saviour Machine - Saviour Machine II Watermark - All Things New Philmore - Philmore Shorthanded - Forever Yours Echoing Green, The - Electronica Saviour Machine - Legend Part III:I Plumb - Candycoatedwaterdrops Plankeye - Commonwealth
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