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Christian Albums
O God, The Aftermath [Deluxe Edition]
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Albums > Titles > O God, The Aftermath [Deluxe Edition]


Primary Artist/Band: Norma Jean
Year Released: 2006
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 Murderotica: An Avalanche in D Minor (Search) (Search)
2 Vertebraille: Choke That Thief Called Dependence (Search) (Search)
3 Bayonetwork: Vultures In Vivid Color (Search) (Search)
4 Dilemmachine: Coalition Hoax (Search) (Search)
5 Shaunluu (Search) (Search)
6 Coffinspire: Multitudes, Multitudes in the Valley of Decision (Search) (Search)
7 Liarsenic: Creating a Universe of Discourse (Search) (Search)
8 Disconnecktie: The Faithful Vampire (Search) (Search)
9 Absentimental: Street Clam (Search) (Search)
10 Charactarantula: Talking to You and the Intake of Glass (Search) (Search)
11 Pretendeavor: In Reference to a Sinking Ship (Search) (Search)
12 Scientifiction: I. A Clot of Tragedy/II. A Swarm of Dedication (Search) (Search)
13 [Untitled Track] [DVD] (Search) (Search)


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